As part of our commitment to developing the whole child, our school provides Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) sessions from EYFS to Year 6. Relationships and Health Education became statutory in all primary schools in the Summer term of 2021, with schools being advised to an adopt an additional age-appropriate Sex Education programme. At Christ the King, our RSHE curriculum is part of our Personal Development Curriculum which celebrates the uniqueness of the individual and develop the whole person into being responsible and respectable members of the community who positively contribute to public life as adults. Click here to read more about our Personal Development Curriculum. (link to that page on the website)

The programme selected to be used at Christ the King is ‘Life to the Full’ by TenTen. This programme has been written by Catholic scholars and has been developed to address the statutory requirements outlined by the government as well as being sensitive to the Catholic context.

For further information about the sessions taught and the key decisions the school has made, in consultation with parents, staff and governors alike, regarding matters such as naming genitalia and teaching about the dangers of pornography, please expand the relevant tab below.

Resources for parents

‘Life to the Full’ provide an online Parent Portal to support families in facilitating open, healthy discussions on the topics covered in this subject. The portal provides example activities to support parent-child discussions, suggested conversation topics and how to answer difficult questions. You can access these resources by clicking here and using the login details below:

Username: ctk-le3

Password: greatest-showman

The TenTen programme is taught in all classes following our progression pathway. A parent session is provided for children in Years 5 and 6 as the content becomes more sensitive.