At CTK one of the three pillars of an outstanding Catholic education is ‘Character Formation’. We recognise that we must create a safe environment for all our pupils where they can maximise their learning and grow into virtuous and successful young people. We therefore must maintain the highest possible standards of pupil behaviour.
We can achieve exemplary behaviour by investing in the character formation of our young Catholic pupils based on our Ethos, Values and Culture. Our programme of Catholic Character Formation is the CTK Way.
Our ethos, our central unifying principle, is our Catholic Faith and the kingship of Jesus Christ. Christ is at the centre of what we do, how we learn and how we interact with others.
Based on our Catholic Ethos, we have identified Gospel values. These are the ideas that are most valuable to us. These values are shaped by the Gospel and the commandments of Our Lord: Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Gratitude, Hope, Service and Justice.
When our pupils practice these Gospel values every day, they become virtues. Virtues are positive habits, nurtured in our children, which become easier, more natural and more familiar.
These Positive habits shape the character of our pupils and subsequently form the Culture in our school by becoming the modes of behaviour most often displayed. Our culture – what we do here every day – is the aggregate of the behaviours of all members of our school community.
Please find the CTK WAY document here.
The CTK Way also forms the basis of our Behaviour policy. We explicitly and consciously teach the routines, expectations, and behaviours we want our children to exhibit so they not only become successful leaners at CTK but develop the positive habits and attitudes that will enable them to be successful in the next phase of their development.