Science is taught as a stand-alone subject, split into the strands of biology, chemistry and physics, with links being made to other areas of the curriculum where those links are strong. Children coming into Christ the King have limited access to animal parks, science museums and science books, so teachers ensure that these experiences and resources form a part of the school’s curriculum to fill these gaps – such as a visit to the Space Centre. Vocabulary is also given a central focus due to the low literacy entry points of the children to the school.
Christ the King follows the National Curriculum for science in all year groups to enable children to make good progress from EYFS to Year 6. Teachers make links to knowledge acquired in previous year groups explicit and adapt lessons so that all children can participate and reach end of year expectations. Working scientifically is taught throughout each unit of work with ample opportunities for children to use their reading skills in research and their mathematical skills when measuring, recording and analysing data.