Computing is taught as a stand-alone subject, split into the strands of computer science, digital literacy and information technology, with links being made to other areas of the curriculum where those links are strong. Children coming into Christ the King generally have a strong grasp of how to access and use electronic devices, though they often have minimal understanding of the processes involved and the appropriate use of equipment. Staff ensure that children have a sound understanding of how to stay safe online and the impact of their digital selves. Children from EYFS to Year 6 have the opportunity to take part in engaging, relevant, and relatable lessons that they will be able to utilise in real life scenarios, from using spreadsheets to word processing. This ensures that firm foundations are in place so that the children are well-equipped to handle the evolving digital world. Computer sciences, programming and coding are taught throughout each year group and there are ample opportunities for children to build upon prior knowledge.
The Computing long term plan for all year groups can be found here.
An example of a Computing medium term plan can be found here.
The Computing end of year expectations can be found here.